Rider Record – O’Reilly Stewart


OReillyStewartSolicitors-coverO’Reilly Stewart is continuing its sponsorship to assist us and our supporters at ‘Right to Ride.’

O’Reilly Stewart commented “We support Right To Ride’s commitment to promoting awareness and understanding of road safety to all riders. We feel our involvement will help Right to Ride with its on-going research, as we have investigated and resolved some of the most significant motorcycle accident compensation cases in Northern Ireland.”

Their clients have confirmed that early legal advice was imperative with their service dedicated to the needs of motorcyclists.

‘Right to Ride’ has highlighted the issues faced by riders on our roads and the lack of awareness or understanding of how best to record the accident details, or what, if any, information is required from the scene.

Thus O’Reilly Stewart have updated their information leaflet that gives a short summary of the details you should record at the scene of the accident.

The leaflet still comes with the “Rider Record” which is a credit sized card, with sections to record initial information about the other vehicle, accident circumstances, weather, witnesses and road conditions at the scene of an accident.

OReillyStewartSolicitors-card-togetherWe recommend that you contact them if involved in an accident.

Part of what we do at Right to Ride is involvement in motorcycle road safety, looking at facts and figures and reporting on these.

The commitment of O’Reilly Stewart will greatly assist us in continuing this involvement and representation on road safety forums.

Other initiatives that we are involved in are the:

You can download the leaflet and Rider Record card on this page.

Find out how O’Reilly Stewart can assist you on their website – www.oreillystewart.com


Download The Leaflet – pdf – 397kb – Click Here

Download – Rider Record Card – pdf – 190kb – Click Here

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