10th April 2010
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) information bulletin and the ‘Go For A Ride’ (Go FAR) magazine in the USA have both carried Right To Ride’s – “Europe Brands Motorcycles As Dangerous” article in their latest issues.
Our original article referred to the inflammatory text regarding motorcyclists on the European Commission’s website – EUROPA – dedicated to road safety, branding motorcycles as dangerous.
“Motorcycles and mopeds are the most dangerous mode of transport in the EU.”
“Riding a PTW (Powered Two Wheeler) is also much more dangerous than using another motor vehicle.”
As a direct result of our protest, we received a letter from DG TREN stating that the Road Safety Unit had deleted the statement from their home page in which they stated that “Motorcycles and mopeds are the most dangerous mode of transport in the EU does not bring added value”.
However the statement, “Riding a PTW (Powered Two Wheeler) is also much more dangerous than using another motor vehicle.” remains in the “knowledge” document on the “specialist” page on the Europa website.
We have asked for these and other offending comments to be removed which include, “Discouraging or restricting the use of PTWs” to be replaced with scientific, unbiased research.
Go FAR’s, Editor Mike Savidge, commented, “The story and the issue help to remind anyone who rides that riders rights aren’t just an American phenomenon” and ” It also became apparent to me that American lawmakers don’t have an exclusive monopoly on stupid” adding that, “Just like stateside, little thought seems to be given to educating the vehicle drivers about road courtesy when it comes to bikers.”
We contacted FEMA (who assured us that they were dealing with this) and our three Northern Ireland MEPs, though only receiving acknowledgment and positive correspondence from the DUP’s Diane Dodds.
We find it incredulous that FEMA and its members are seen to be supporting the European Commission by having a link on the very same Europa website as well as organising an International Motorcyclists’ Conference in Brussels in June with the support and participation of the very same European Commission.
On the one hand the European Commission wishes to make friends with motorcycling by establishing a ‘Motorcycle Forum’ which in principle, we support. On the other hand, it allows inflammatory and biased comments on its website: that motorcycling is dangerous and that motorcycling should be discouraged or restricted. In our view, this sends out mixed messages.
Further contact to date within the European Commission and the editorial group responsible for the “knowledge web page” has at present, led us to an impasse.
While we welcome dialogue with the Commission, we feel that the views of motorcyclists need to be considered and respected. Consequently we – and many other motorcyclists – believe that the text must be removed.
We will continue to lobby through professional dialogue, to argue the case that the text must be removed.
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF)
The MRF is a U.S. membership-based national motorcyclists’ rights organisation headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Monitoring and when necessary, it sways federal legislation and regulatory action that pertains to street riders.
The MRF concerns itself with what is going on in the arena of motorcycling safety education, training, licensing, and public awareness.
Providing members and state motorcyclists’ rights organisations with direction and information to protect motorcyclists’ rights and motorcycling.
The MRF sponsors annual regional and national educational seminars for motorcyclists’ rights activists.
Go For A Ride Magazine
Go For A Ride (Go FAR) Magazine is a monthly motorcycle & travel publication based in Tampa, Florida.
It is distributed for FREE at motorcycle dealerships, repair and accessory shops, and biker friendly restaurants and bars throughout much of Florida.
Go FAR was designed to present a new perspective to the motorcycle community.
Each issue features a unique Scenic Ride Map along with family-friendly content.
You’ll find Travel Tales, Motorcycle Industry News, Veterans Information, a Word Puzzle, Events Calendar, and much more.
Our content is always family-friendly.
Go FAR is the magazine with READABILITY.
You can download the latest issue on their website.