MAG Ireland – The Irish Motorcycle Action Group – reports that have won a parking commitment from Dublin City Council – DCC.
For decades, Dublin motorcyclists parked their bikes on the central median in O’Connell Street. As part of the refurbishment of O’Connell Street with the installation of the new central median/pedestrian area & civic plaza, motorcycles were expressly forbidden from parking in this traditional location.
By way of concession, Dublin City Council provided dedicated motorcycle-only parking space in Prince’s Street (beside the G.P.O.) and clearly sign posted the location as such.
This proved to be a contentious decision, particularly amongst taxi drivers who resented the provision of dedicated motorcycle parking in what was previously an area they used for parking.
The MAG office received numerous complaints from members who met with opposition from drivers (and on occasions outright intimidation) while trying to comply with Dublin City Councils wishes by using the Prince’s Street parking area instead of the central median on O’Connell Street.
In some cases the situation became so confrontational that the Gardaí had to be involved.
MAG Ireland informed Dublin City Council of the problems surrounding the Prince’s Street parking area, and the council began to monitor the situation.
MAG subsequently entered discussions with both the parking enforcement department and the area engineer, both of whom agreed that the white paint on the roadway declaring it a ‘motorcycle only’ parking area was having no effect whatsoever.
It was equally clear the ongoing problems were deterring motorcycle uses from parking in that location. The council asked MAG what we felt could reasonably be done to remedy the situation.
“Bollards!” we said.
A simple cost effective solution – erect bollards and it would mean motorcycles could access the area safely without fear of infringement by four wheelers. The council agreed & explained that it requires a submission be put into the years ‘Works Program’.
So a positive decision made, approval given, and subject to dotting the I’s & crossing the T’s, work commences in the near future.
Sometimes talking bollards refreshes the parts that other means can’t reach!
MAG Ireland has successfully worked with Dublin City Council in the past to solve bike parking problems in various locations. Indeed MAG has always found a positive effect to encouraging and reminding the authorities that motorcycles are part of the solution to the city’s traffic congestion problems.
MAG Ireland worked with Dublin City Council to provide 4% of allocated parking in all new developments for motorcycles, and was successful in persuading DCC to contain the use of clamping to a very small number of specific problem locations in shopping districts.
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