MAG Urges 2BeSafe

In association with the EU Regulation into Type Approval and all the new electrikery being proposed by those who believe they know better than someone who actually rides, a survey has been launched which runs until 15th May.

There are about 40 questions, but I really urge you to persevere.

Interestingly many of the questions are phrased in such a way as to establish most riders as habitual law breakers and I urge you to read them carefully.

Others have an introductory scenario to set the scene where electronics would obviously help- like the one where opening and closing the throttle is done automatically to keep you a certain distance from the car infront.

Everything is included here: compulsory ABS and traction control, curve speed control, a system to stop lane splitting, heads up displays, and it’s interspersed with questions which blur motorcycling with irrational road use.

How often do you undertake, or ride on a pavement? What about the wrong way down a one way street and do you not bother with road laws because they are complicated?

I urge you to complete this survey as this will make a difference to the justification used for foisting more controls upon us.

Please spend the time and forward the link to anyone you know who rides.

Thanks and remember we only have until 15th May.

Issued by

Paddy Tyson

Campaigns Co-ordinator

MAG (UK) – Motorcycle Action Group

Tel: 01926 844064

Mob: 07717 345605

Read the full article on 2BeSafe from Right To Ride – Click Here

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