Regulation Safer Bikes

Motorcycles use less fuel and less space than cars and are the personal transport of the hour is the commentary in this news in brief from Europarl TV.

However they (their aficionados) can do even better say EU lawmakers who are negotiating with member states the final details of new rules intended to make motorbikes greener and safer.

These new rules, as we know, include compulsory ABS Anti-lock Braking Systems) for all bigger bikes and stricter pollution limits.

The report finishes with the information that, a final deal is expected to be struck by Wednesday.

Given that this news in brief was aired last Thursday that would mean that this Wednesday – 4th July – is the “final deal day”, just waiting perhaps for the “t’s” to be crossed and the “I’s” to be dotted before publication?

Report starts 44secs into the video.


Right To Ride EU – Unfolding Regulation Events – Click Here

Right To Ride EU – EU Proposal – Are We There Yet? – Click Here

More Videos On Greener and Safer Motorcycles From EuroparlTV


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