After todays vote on amendments to the European Commissions roadworthiness proposal, the Transport (TRAN – Transport and Tourism) Committee of MEPs rules motorbikes out of the roadworthiness test package!
So it looks like at this stage that here in Northern Ireland and GB there are no surprises and we can keep calm and carry on!
Plans to introduce EU minimum standards for roadworthiness tests on motorcycles and trailers under 2,000 kg were rejected by the Transport and Tourism Committee on Thursday.
The EU “roadworthiness package” would lay down minimum EU standards on testing frequency, a risk-based system for roadside inspections of commercial vehicles and rules for suspending or cancelling registration certificates.
The package still has to be approved by Parliament as a whole.
MEPs rejected a Commission proposal to make roadworthiness tests mandatory for motorcycles, leaving the decision up to member states.
They also rejected a Commission proposal to introduce periodic roadworthiness tests for light trailers with a maximum permissible mass of 2,000 kg or less, but voted in favour of testing light caravan trailers.
Individual member states would nonetheless be able to require testing of trailers under 2,000 kg if they so chose.
Wheeled tractors used for road haulage with a maximum design speed of more than 40 km/h should also be tested, but not those used for agricultural work, added the committee.
Test frequency for cars
A Commission proposal that cars over six years old should be tested every year was rejected.
Instead, they should be tested every two years, starting four years after registration, said MEPs.
These rules would be the EU-wide minimum standard, but member states would be free to set stricter ones. The committee deleted a 160,000 km mileage “trigger” for annual roadworthiness tests, after some MEPs cited concerns that this could create an incentive for odometer fraud.
Risk rating system for roadside checks
A risk rating system should be set up to help authorities to target roadside checks on commercial vehicles better, says the report. Firms whose vehicles do poorly in inspections would be assigned a higher risk profile and their vehicles would be targeted for roadside checks.
MEPs nonetheless added a clause to allow firms to improve their risk profile when they demonstrate compliance with roadworthiness requirements in voluntary regular vehicle safety inspections.
The committee also backed rules for cancelling registrations or suspending registration certificates of vehicles that are a threat to road safety.
Next steps
The plenary vote on the roadworthiness package is scheduled for July.
Original Source – TRAN Committee – Click Here
Information No Surprises
Looks like this text was deleted, “……this regime should apply to categories of vehicles as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles…”With the justification, “Given the controversy over the impact which motorcycles in a poor state of repair have on accident rates, it would be disproportionate for two- and three-wheel vehicles to be made subject to compulsory periodic roadworthiness testing…..”
But an amemdment was accepted that says, “Member States might introduce national requirements concerning roadworthiness tests for ………… relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles …….”
So at the moment it looks like those EU countries without a motorcycle RWT/MoT retain their status quo as do those with RWT/MoT.
However we need to look in-depth as regards testing and repairs – repair shops also completeing RWT/MoT as is the case in GB at present.
AND onwards to the European Council/Parliament/Commission reaching a common position – they do not all agree!
Here we go on testing stations.
From what we are reading this amendment was voted through, “(10) Roadworthiness testing is a sovereign activity and as such should be done by the Member State, or by a public body entrusted with the task by the State or by bodies or establishments designated and directly supervised by the State, including duly authorised private bodies. In particular, where establishments designated as vehicle testing centres also perform motor vehicle repairs, Member States shall make every effort to ensure the objectivity and high quality of the vehicle testing.”
And this was rejected, “(10) Roadworthiness testing is a sovereign activity and should therefore be done by the Member States or by entrusted bodies under their supervision. Member States should remain responsible for roadworthiness testing in any cases even if the national system allows for authorisation of private bodies. ”
Making the purpose of this amendment clearer was its justification, “There should be a formal separation between test centres and motor vehicle repair shops, in order to avoid any conflicts of interest.”
So looks like at this stage that GB can keep calm and carry on!