The Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA) announces its new board for 2014.
On Saturday 1st Ffebruary 2014 FEMA’s members elected a new board ready for 2014’s challenges and re-elected president Frédéric Jeorge.
The delegates from the national motorcylists’ organizations got together in Brussels for FEMA’s Annual Committee Meeting 2014.
At this meeting the strategy for the coming years was discussed and a new board was elected.
A grand total of seven candidates were up for election, so FEMA’s board is now bigger and stronger then ever.
The re-elected FEMA president Frédéric Jeorge said: “This will be a very exciting year, not just because of the numerous challenges facing the European motorcyclists’ community, but also because in march 2014 FEMA will be organizing the European Motorcyclists’ Forum again.
With this new board, filled with people that have all earned their stripes in fighting for riders’ rights, FEMA is ready for any challenge that comes along!”
The FEMA Committee thanked Juha Lieslinna from the Finnish SMOTO and Njall Gunlaugsson from BLS Iceland, who stepped down as members of the board, but will stay active in FEMA as delegate for their national organization.
The FEMA Committee also thanked Chris Hodder from the British Motorcyclists Federation – BMF.
After many years as Government Relations Executive at the BMF and as the representative of his organization within FEMA, Chris will be pursuing a new career.
At Right To Ride we note with interest the return to the FEMA board, not just some of the rider organisations but also their representatives, who have been stalwarts both in their respective organisations and active in rider’s rights for decades, bringing a maturity to the organisation that steps forward to the future!
Check out if your countries rider organisation is a FEMA member – Click Here
Original Source – Federation of European Motorcyclists Associstions (FEMA)
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