EU Travels

rider-portugal-2As we travel on an extended lifestyle journey to the Southern States of Europe – Spain and Portugal – via France we have been posting on the Right To Ride EU Facebook page.

This has composed mainly of pictures and some comments on the difference between these states and the Northern European State of the UK.

From appropriate clothing in 30 degree heat to signposts and motorcycle friendly under guard rails – all of Europe has different ideas…………………………

Don’t get too uptight about the Northern European State of the UK comment,  it was said with some sarcastic intend as we run up to European Elections for MEPs.

Anyway enjoy the pictures and feel free to comment on them.



Portugal – Algarve – Appropriate wear around town in 30 degree heat – YES we do think so!

Rider Comment – I agree. Just add protection before getting on that bike.


In Spain on the motorway coming up to a junction – comments welcome

Rider Comments: They should make stoppies illegal.I like it. Attention grabbing image for a message normally ignored.

solo motos-500

In Spain – A motorcycle only petrol pump – handy enough or some other reason to separate motorcycles out………………


Somewhere in France, a motorcycle friendly under guard rail. How why don’t we have these in Northern Ireland where required?

signs-spain rumble-spain

In Spain – How many warning/advisory signs do you need approaching a bend and those “rumble” strips!

Rider Comment: Could be France as well (where signs *suggesting* a maximal velocity, or imposing a minimal velocity are known only in the textbooks)


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