Lisbon Opens Bus Lanes

portugal-bike-250Lisbon Portugal – It is likely that Lisbon will soon have its bus lanes open to motorcyclists as proposals were approved in a City Council meeting for pilot.

The meeting also approved a proposal for advanced stop lines at traffic lights for motorcycles and mopeds.

The reasoning behind all of this is to enhance urban mobility, reduce journey times, relieve congestion and increase the safety for drivers of motorcycles.

The online newspaper reports that:

The Council of Lisbon, the socialist majority, approved on Wednesday – 11th February 2015 – unanimously the proposal of the CDS-PP (People’s Party) so that the bikes can move in lanes reserved for public transport, calls bus lanes.

Thus, within six months, the Municipal Director of Mobility and Transport will conduct a study on the feasibility of the project, which will be initially applied in a pilot area to be defined, explained today Lusa Councilman CDS-PP, João Gonçalves Pereira.

As advocates centrist in the proposal, the new Highway Code allows this amendment, which would bring “significant improvements in mobility and energy efficiency of Lisbon, reducing travel times […], increasing safety for drivers of motorcycles” .

This is already the case, for example, in Porto.

The mayor also maintains that it must request an opinion from the National Authority for Road Safety and the Institute for Mobility and Transport, entities should indicate the area covered by the experimental phase.

The meeting also unanimously approved a proposal by the CFP -Public Finance Council – to be created in the city, “at the forefront of the lanes and the traffic lights along a ‘stop box intended for motorcycles and mopeds to, painted in appropriate color” .

The councilors João Ferreira and Carlos Moura stressed in the document that the Board of Lisbon should conduct through Mobility and Transport services, a study of the road network with a view to improving the material conditions and movement for motorcycles and mopeds.

The Communists justify the use of the moped and motorcycle enhance urban mobility, because “increase traffic flow and decrease the times of travel.”

And that is where we leave the Google and Bing traslation of this excellent news from Portugal as the Southern states of Europe show their difference in positively embracing the Powered Two Wheeler in all its forms in daily transport use.

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