The “No To The Bike Parking Tax” campaign – a non-political action group representing motorcyclists and scooterists to object against the illegitimate introduction of parking levies by Westminster City Council (WCC) and any other authorities, found out last weekend that their right to communicate their protests and demonstrations through their website was pulled. Although the […]
Road Campaigns UK
2011 motorcyclist campaigns across the UK have started by highlighting their concerns regarding defective road surfaces, poor road design and maintenance. With reports of Road Authorities having their budgets cut during this economic climate, the best product for the best cost will be even more crucial for maintenance and repairs. The Motorcycle Action Groups (MAG) […]
Diesel Spills – Let’s Cap Them!
Right To Ride’s concerns regarding Diesel Spills spreads with a warning of the dangerous with advice to stop spills through the “Lets Cap Them!” campaign from Co Mayo. Diesel/oil spills on Mayo’s roads cause an unacceptable hazard to Motorists, Motorcyclists, and they have asked us to help reduce the number of spills they have to […]
Biker Mate – Friend Indeed
Signpost Solutions, is a company that introduced and spearheaded passively safe structures in the UK with the Lattix mast over 14 years ago. Signpost Solutions has now picked up the baton for motorcyclists and introduced a crash cushion for roadside objects called “Biker Mate”. Working with Euro Road Safety (Cellbond), Signpost Solutions developed the completely […]
Royal Road Safety Acclamation For GRIPTOP™
A highly innovative range of access covers (manhole covers) which significantly reduces the risk of skidding and skid-related road accidents has been recognised with a prestigious international road safety award. The GripTop™ range, produced by iron technology leader Saint-Gobain PAM UK, won the Motorcycle Award category at the 2009 Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards. […]