News from FEMA about the White Paper on Transport FEMA – The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations reports that the European Parliament’s Transport Committee ‘stresses that motorcycles play a significant role in sustainable mobility, especially in urban areas where they contribute to tackling congestion and parking problems’. Back in March we reported on the E.U. […]
Full Control
“Full Control” from the Norsk Motorcykkel Union (NMCU – Norway) now covers, over a 100 pages of in-depth precise and effective riding techniques. “Full Control” was first released in 2001 and since then, it has been distributed to more than 30,000 Norwegian motorcyclists and has been available to download in English translation for several years. […]
Return Of Speed Control Threat
Although the SAFERIDER project has finished and the Throttle Control was withdrawn from the Project, the UKs Motorcycle News has reported on Throttle Control with a quote from Right To Ride. But a watchful eye needs to be kept on the development of all systems that take control away from the rider! The shortened article, […]
MCN Utterly Stupid
Motorcycle News (MCN) has branded the high-tech on-board warning system developed through the EU SAFERIDER project by MIRA, as “utterly useless”, “deeply flawed”, “distracting” and “potentially dangerous”. At Right To Ride we ran our “No To Throttle Control” campaign which focused on the SAFERIDER project and specifically regarding a force feedback throttle which would be […]
Saferider Saga Goes On And On!
The BBC article – “Motorbikes ‘to get safe driving aids’”, (which Right To Ride EU reported on recently, MIRA Is Your Co-Pilot regarding the press release from MIRA a UK company), has had a reaction from FEMA (Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations), who were partners with MIRA in the SAFERIDER consortium. What the BBC report […]
MIRA Is Your Co-Pilot
The BBC has reported on the involvement of MIRA in the UK within the European Saferider Project, who purport to be a leading independent provider of product engineering, testing, consultancy, certification, research and information. We have reproduced the article below and leave it up to you to take it as read as a motorcyclist, whether […]
Shooting The Messenger!
As many of our supporters and fellow riders know, we at Right To Ride have carried out a campaign to raise awareness about the development of an ITS product named the “Force Feedback Throttle” in the project SAFERIDER. Our concerns were shared by many throughout the world including well known experts and riders that have […]